Usage-based approaches, computational modeling and
simulation studies in phonetics and phonology
Topics and Research Questions
Psycholinguistic/cognitive models; Neural models in speech production
- How should a person’s individual differences (IDs, including attention and memory capacity) be built into
models of the perception and production of acoustic detail?
- How can we model the role attention and memory abilities play in the formation of accurate acoustic-phonetic
representations in exemplars or exemplar clouds?
- What potential do recurrent neural networks (reservoir computing) have in predicting prosodic parameters in
speech production?
- How can these networks be evaluated by integrating them e.g. in a speech synthesis platform?
Exemplar-theoretic models and alternative approaches
- How can exemplar-theoretic models be tested in the laboratory or on large speech corpora and how can
specific empirical findings feed back to computational models?
- To what extent are episodic representations stored and transferred into long term memory?
- When does abstraction / generalization in an exemplar-theoretic model happen?
Biomechanical/aeroacoustic models; Prosody
- What level of detail is required in self-oscillating vocal fold models for what phonatory effect — and how can
these requirements be evaluated?
- How do such models compare to the glottal source models used in parametric speech synthesis?
- Can the emergence of prosodic categories be modeled in a production-perception loop using optimization or
genetic algorithms?
- Is attention modulation a useful concept in modeling the emergence of prosodic (prominence) structure?
- Can major prosodic constituents be modeled as emerging from lower level prosodic constituents and morphological
Speech segmentation models
- How is segmentation of new languages biased by native language knowledge?
- What level of abstraction is optimal for exploitation of transition probabilities, e.g., individual phones vs broad
classes or syllables?
- How are multiple segmentation cues integrated?
- How can the above questions be addressed in a machine learning framework: How far does the language of
the training material influence segmentation and optimal feature selection?
Model comparison and integration
- What can given computational models explain, where do they fail?
- How does naïve discriminative learning compare to exemplar theory in modeling speech production and
- How can computational models be integrated such that a broader range of phenomena or processes is
covered as compared to the coverage of the individual models?
- How can the behavior of physiological models inform higher-level neural network models of speech production?
- How can models of speech segmentation and prosody be integrated?